Collection of Trinity College publications


For Old Members

Trinity College


As well as the annual Trinity College Report, we publish a regular newsletter and e-newsletter for Old Members and Friends. If you have not received recent editions of any of the publications or would like to change the way you receive publication mailings, please contact the Alumni Relations Officer.

Offers of articles, news or photos for possible inclusion in any of the publications are always very welcome. Please email the Alumni Relations Officer with your contributions or to discuss an idea for an article.

Trinity College


The eNewsletter is published termly, giving a short update on the latest news and events.

Trinity College


The Newsletter is usually published twice a year. It can be sent by post or email.

Trinity College


The Trinity College Report is published annually, recording the activities and achievements of the last academic year.

For previous annual reports, visit our historic fundraising reports page

Trinity College

Benefactors Report

The Benefactors Report is published once a year and shows how donations to Trinity have been used within the college's financial year, which runs from 1 August to 31 July. 

For previous Benefactors Reports, visit our historic fundraising reports page

Trinity College

Five-Year Strategy

A summary of the college's aim for 2023-24 to 2027-28.

Trinity College

Boat Club Newsletter

An update on TCBC’s activities.  

Trinity College

Recipe Booklet

A selection of recipes from Trinity's star Head Chef, Julian Smith, and his team in the kitchen.