A close-up view of pigeonholes in the Trinity College lodge, with post sticking out.


in Touch


The Alumni & Development Office

The Alumni & Development Office remains pleased to hear from Old Members and Friends wanting to get in touch.

The Alumni & Development Office

Trinity College

Oxford OX1 3BH

General phone enquiries: Call us on +44 (0) 1865 279933

Alumni: Call us on +44 (0)1865 279887 or Email Alumni

Development: Call us on +44 (0)1865 279941 or Email Development


Your details

If your contact details change, please let the Alumni & Development Office know, to ensure you are kept in touch with Trinity.

Please use the update form on the Trinity Net pages or email the new details to the Alumni Relations Officer.

Use of your data is covered by the college’s Privacy Policy which can be found here and on the Policies and Privacy page.


Old Members

Trinity tries to keep in touch with all of its Old Members, but there are currently about 600 members for whom we do not have up-to-date contact details.

Please take a few moments to look at the list of Lost Old Members. If your name is listed, or you can help with locating somebody listed, then please contact the Alumni Relations Officer, or invite the person concerned to do so. We will contact any rediscovered members to check that they want to receive communications from the college.