Two female postgraduates stand chatting and eating in the dining room of the Trinity President's Lodgings.


Financial Support


Financial Support

Trinity College offers a range of financial support for on-course postgraduate students in the form of academic grants and yearly prizes. 

Trinity Financial Support for


Academic Grants

General Academic Grants are made to graduate students to assist with expenditure on projects which are directly related to their academic work, and to assist with the costs of attending conferences and research expenses.

The total amounts per student per course are: up to £1,500 for courses leading to a doctorate and for clinical medical students; £1,000 for a two-year MSc, MPhil or MLitt; £500 for a one-year MSc, MSt, MJur, BCL, MBA or Diploma.

Applications are made by filling in the General Academic Grant Form which is available on the College’s SharePoint site, you will also find additional information on academic grants and frequently asked questions here also (log in here).

Grants for courses taken at the Language Teaching Centre

If a course at the Language Teaching Centre directly relates to a postgraduate’s academic course of study, on the recommendation of the supervisor the Senior Tutor will authorise payment of half the course fees by the college (Graduates are advised to apply to their department or faculty for the funding of the other half of the fees.) Please note that such a grant must fall within the maximum entitlement of the graduate for any academic grants. Requests should be submitted to the Graduate and Academic Administrator.

If graduates wish to follow a course at the Language Teaching Centre which is not directly related to their academic course of study, they may also apply to Grants Committee for a grant towards half the fees. Please note that such a grant must fall within the maximum entitlement of the graduate for any academic grants. Applications are made by filling in the General Academic Grant Form which is available on the college intranet site (log in here) you will need to sign in with your SSO.

Graduate Scholarships and Prizes (current students)

Graduate Scholarships of £200 p.a. are awarded on an annual basis, normally up to twelve awards a year. Selection is made by the Governing Body at its October meeting from a list of recommendations put forward by the Tutor for Graduates, on the basis of reports from supervisors. The Scholarships are awarded to graduate students entering the final fee-paying year of a doctorate, and confer the right to a number of dinners on High Table during term time.

Graduate Prizes of £50 p.a. are awarded on an annual basis to those students entering their second year of study. Selection is conducted in the same manner as the Graduate Scholarships. 

Trinity College Bursaries for 4th-year Graduates

Graduate students may apply to the Graduate and Academic Administrator each term for Trinity 4th-year graduate bursaries, tenable from the following term. These awards of up to £1,500, funded by the generosity of Trinity alumni, are intended to provide support for postgraduates who have demonstrable financial need; applicants must be well on course to completing their DPhil at the point the award is made.

Graduate Conference Fund

Grants of up to £500 are available for graduate students who are organising or co-organising a conference on a topic closely related to their academic research. Normally students will be eligible for only one such grant during their course at Trinity, and the grant must be applied for and spent before submission of their thesis. It is a condition of any applications that the student at Trinity must be the principal organiser or a or a principal co-organiser of the conference, and recipients will be asked to write a short report for the College website or annual report. Applications are made by submitting the online Graduate Conference Grant Form (available on the college intranet site (log in here) by 4th week of each term.

Postgraduate Scholarships at


We are proud to support the next generation of promising researchers by offering a number of scholarships for incoming graduate students each year. These are funded either entirely by the college, or jointly with departments or the university. The full  list of scholarships is published in the autumn each year, and are open to graduate students applying to start their course in the following October.   Scholarships are awarded on academic merit, taking into consideration all eligible applicants (whether or not they have specified Trinity as their preferred college). 

Student Support

In Action

Trinity College is proud to be able to offer a generous range of support grants to enable students to make the most of their studies without missing out on opportunities because of financial pressure.

Find out more about some of the projects and experiences some of Trinity's generous support grants have enabled students to undertake.

Oxford University

Fees & Funding

The central university site provides a range of information on the cost of studying, including fees and living costs, as well as information on bursaries, scholarships and government support.



Trinity offers additional support in the form of awards, bursaries and prizes.