Students in the Radcliffe Camera's history library.
The Bodleian History Faculty Library is just minutes from Trinity


The college library is very well supplied with most of the books students will require for core courses, and with many for more specialist options. The main University library (the Bodleian) and the History Faculty Library are very close to Trinity, and other more specialist libraries are a short walk away.


Our tutors particularly welcome applications from students who are not only fascinated by particular areas of history they have already studied, but also passionate about exploring the discipline, constructively questioning received wisdom, broadening their outlook and reading more extensively, and who can assess evidence and arguments both rigorously and imaginatively.

History Freshers stand in Trinity's front quad.
Our third-year History students
A historical map from the World War Two era showing food shortages in Europe, which reads: "Hunger draws the map"

Course Details

The syllabus for each of these courses is the same at every College. The University’s Faculty of History organises lecture series for most papers, and classes for specialist options. The College organises small-group teaching (tutorials or classes), so your College tutors play a key role throughout your course.

A male student smiles during a tutorial while a female student sits next to him consulting her papers.
Trinity is a great place to study history. We’re very lucky to have tutors that specialise in a broad range of periods and places, which means I’ve rarely had to leave college to take classes. Our librarians are always happy to source key books, and the History Faculty Library is just a 5-minute walk away!

Teaching Structure

Trinity’s two permanent Fellows in History teach alongside several other tutors. James McDougall, Fellow and Tutor in modern history, teaches European and World history from c.1700 to the present. He works on the Middle East, France and the French colonial empire in Africa, and the global history of Islam, since the eighteenth century. Fanny Bessard, Fellow and Tutor in medieval history, teaches the history of Eurasia between c.300 and c.1100 CE. A specialist in the social and economic history of Late Antiquity and the Islamic world from the eighth to the eleventh centuries, she is a practising archaeologist, working at sites in the Middle East and Central Asia. Hannah Smith (Fellow in early modern history at St Hilda’s College and Lecturer at Trinity) teaches the history of Britain and Europe from the sixteenth century to the eighteenth. Her research focuses on the history of politics and culture in early modern Britain. Elina Screen, College Lecturer in early medieval history, teaches courses on early medieval Britain, Europe, and the Mediterranean, and works on the Carolingian world, Viking-age Scandinavia, and Anglo-Saxon coins.  Aurelia Annat, College Lecturer in modern British and Irish history teaches papers on Britain and Ireland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and has particular interests in women’s history, and in gender, visual and spatial history.

A close-up of bicycles parked in Trinity college.
Google Maps
Trinity and the Faculty of History

Career Prospects

Studying History provides students with skills of analysis and of expression, both oral and written, which are widely applicable in many different careers. While some of our students each year go on to further academic study, others enter careers including the civil service, the law, politics, museums, journalism, and teaching.

In recent years, Trinity historians have achieved some of the best Final Examination results in the University. Our history tutors’ aim is to ensure that all students are enabled to realise their fullest potential.
A student sits in the Trinity Library studying with rows of books behind him.