Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics and Lecturer in Modern Languages (Spanish)

Anna Paradis

  • My main areas of research are Romance syntax and theoretical linguistics.
  • I am also interested in Sociolinguistics and Language teaching.
  • My current research aims to build bridges between theoretical linguistics, second language acquisition and language teaching.


I hold a postdoctoral position as an Early Career Leverhulme fellow at the faculty of Linguistics and I’m a non-stipendiary Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics at Trinity, where I’m also a lecturer in Spanish. I grew up in Barcelona where I studied Philology at the University of Barcelona (UB). I was a junior researcher at the Centre for Sociolinguistics and Communication Research (UB) where I worked on Multilingualism and Language Policy. I received my PhD in Romance linguistics from the Centre for Theoretical Linguistics (Autonomous University of Barcelona). I am fascinated by linguistic variation and how Universal Grammar restricts variation not only across languages but also within the same language.


At Trinity, I teach Spanish (grammar and oral skills) to undergraduate students.

Before starting my Postdoctoral project, I was the lecturer in Catalan studies at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern languages. I also lectured on Romance linguistics and theoretical syntax.


My main research topics are Romance clitics and non-finite complement clauses. I am interested in exploring the mechanisms offered by Universal Grammar to establish long-distance dependencies and interclausal phenomena. In particular, I study Clitic Climbing and how it correlates with Restructuring and Control phenomena. My postdoctoral project Deconstructing Partial control: the view from minoritised Romance varieties aims to redefine our understanding of control – how we express and interpret subjects in subordinate clauses with respect to the main subject – and the role played by finiteness (the expression of tense) by establishing a bridge between theoretical linguistics and language documentation. I’m currently working on the linguistic continuum formed by Catalan, Occitan and Aragonese, and I’m also exploring (non)inflected infinitives in European Portuguese.

My research also includes Second Language acquisition and Language teaching in multilingual contexts. I am interested in the interweaving of theoretical linguistics and language teaching, and I am the author of L1 and L2 teaching materials published by well-known Spanish publishing companies.

Selected Publications

[in press.] Espinosa, R. M, and Paradis, A. Les oracions adversatives / Adversative sentences. In J. Martines & M. Pérez-Saldanya (ed.): Gramàtica del català antic / Old Catalan Grammar. John Benjamins.

[forth.] There is no need to climb! Clitic climbing as a facultative epiphenomenon of restructuring, In Jan Casalicchio & Peter Herbeck (eds.) New perspectives on the syntax of causative and restructuring verbs in Romance, Isogloss.

2023. Clitic climbing and presuppositional negative markers in Occitano-Romance verbal complexes. Exploring the crossroads of micro-syntactic phenomena. Catalan Journal of Linguistics, Special issue Language contact in Theoretical syntax: Methhodological issues and recent trends, E. Gutiérrez and I. Ortega-Santos (eds.). (With Ares Llop-Naya). https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/catjl.361

2022. (co-edited with Lorena Castillo-Ros). 2018 Barcelona Workshop on Syntax, Semantics, and PhonologyLinguistic Analysis, 43, 1-2.

2020. Terminological issues in the teaching of Catalan grammar. ReGROC ,3(1), 147-163. (with Anna Pineda). http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/regroc.26

2019. ‘The position of clitics and presuppositional negative markers in restructuring contexts’. Caplletra [International journal of Philology], 66, 153—178. (With Ares Llop-Naya)

2018. ‘New speakers’ ideologies and trajectories in bilingual families in Catalonia’. In: Family Multilingualism in Medium-Sized Linguistic Communities, Peter Lang, 193—222. (With Emili Boix-Fuster).

2018. ‘Variation in the scope of clitic climbing: evidence from Catalan dialectal data’. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, LXIII-3, 281—295, 2018. https://doi.org/10.17684/issn.2393-1140

Modern Languages and Linguistics
Dr Paradis