Trinity Tomes 1 - Rethinking Success

Old Member
8 March 2021 17:30-19:00

Join us for a talk by J. Doug Holladay (Theology, 1979) about his book Rethinking Success published in April 2020. He will speak about the principles outlined in the book and what led him to write it, and then there will be time for questions. 

Success comes with no instruction manual. Too often successful people end up feeling empty, isolated and depressed because they have lost focus on what is most important in their lives. Rethinking Success can help anyone, no matter their field, maintain certain practices and ways of thinking that keep them in tune with a purposeful life of thriving. Drawn from the insights gleaned through his work and relationships at the highest levels in the White House, diplomacy, journalism, investment banking and academia, the advice in Rethinking Success is centered around eight essential principles we must consider to stay focused, connected and joyful throughout our lives.

If you missed this talk please visit the Trinity College YouTube channel to watch it


J. Doug Holladay

Doug’s career trajectory has been unique and varied with its blend of public service, finance and business, non-profit work, and more recently, teaching and journalism. After finishing his graduate studies at Trinity he moved back to America to work at the White House. 

Doug has advised several US Presidents and numerous corporate leaders and has explained and debated public policy issues on national television. He has contributed to several books on a broad range of issues, foreign policy, culture, theology and 19th century history, and has placed articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today. He has delivered public speeches to leadership gatherings across the US and around the world. He also worked for Goldman Sachs for a time and is co-founder of a couple of private equity partnerships.

Service has characterized Doug's career path allowing him to promote change and understanding in settings as diverse as East and South Africa, the White House and on Wall Street.

Currently the main focus of his time is on several not-for-profit efforts, including PathNorth, which helps business owners and CEOs define success more broadly, and ABC² (Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure), working to find a cure for brain cancer. Additionally, he holds the Heinz Christian Prechter Executive in Residence position at Georgetown University where he teaches MBA students.